Open Source Projects

Most of my open source contributions happen on GitHub and are tracked on Trello, with a WIP limit to stop myself going insane.

Highlights include:

  • mijia-homie - A home monitoring project which feeds temperature and humidity readings to Grafana.
    • This also spawned [bluez-async]( - A BlueZ helper library which is useful in its own right.
  • hoverkite - A project to fly a kite using hoverboard motors.
  • cargo-quickinstall - A wrapper around cargo install that can fetch prebuilt executables to speed things up.
    • The eventual aim is to make a cargo quickbuild command that wraps cargo build, and can bootstrap your dependency tree with prebuilt assets on first build. This is a bit of a moon-shot though. Progress is tracked in the cargo-quick organization.


I’ve been using remark excalidraw (specifically my embed-all-the-things branch) and npx live-server for writing my presentations recently. I quite like the workflow. So far, I have written internal presentations about:



My CV can be found here. PDF versions available on request.


  • FOSDEM Highlights

    I was at FOSDEM last weekend, after ~15 years away. I though I should probably write up my highlights while they’re fresh in my head.

  • Why cargo-quickbuild?

    In my previous post, I reviewed the history of cargo-quickinstall and introduced my cargo-quickbuild idea. When reviewing it with workmates, we thought it might be useful compare it against the other solutions that already exist in this space. I will attempt to do so in this blog post.

  • The cargo-quickinstall journey - how I made a thing for installing rust programs quickly

    Full Architecture diagram for cargo-quickinstall

  • Monitoring Temperature (with too many Bluetooth thermometers)

  • Docker Yaks

    I have given myself a target of not installing Docker Desktop on this laptop since I did the reinstall. Let’s see how much pain that causes.

  • Initial impressions of nushell

    Recently I’ve been recording my impressions of technologies as I start using them. This is so that I can remember what my pain points are when I’m onboarding other people later, or contributing to the project.

  • Early impressions of WasmCloud

    First impressions of technologies are quite important for driving adoption, so I’ve started writing down my early impressions as I explore different technologies.

  • Early impressions of NATS

    First impressions of technologies are quite important for driving adoption, so I’ve started writing down my early impressions as I explore different technologies.

  • Early impressions of Dapr

    It’s worth writing down some impressions about dapr, and especially its tooling.

  • Infrastructure Musings

    Thoughts about infrastructure and platforms. Originally posted on the red-badger tech site.

  • (Sunday) - Found

    All of my previous analysis was on repos that got as far as being published on This excludes repos from beginner rust users and repos that aren’t libraries. After downloading all of the configs pointed to by that repo, and re-running the analysis, I added a comment to with my findings.

  • Got a screen

    I was expecting to spend the day fiddling about with profiling, but the previous night I did some more reading around dtrace (there was a hint on about using appropros dtrace to find a bunch of pre-installed tools that are written using dtrace).

  • Got a desk frame

    I started to do some analysis of the examples I found the previous week. Of the 6408 Cargo.toml examples that I downloaded from github (and ran cargo add --manifest-path=$f boringssl@0.0.5 against), here is the breakdown.

  • cargo_edit examples

    There are a bunch of issues filed against cargo-edit around it scrambling the input formatting. For example this one, this one and this one. I wrote a script to download all of the Cargo.toml files I could find, to see how bad the problem is. It’s beautiful (or something).

  • Slow start

    You know how sometimes when you’re given an opportunity to relax a bit, everything falls apart and you end up crawling back into bed? This was one of those days. I ended up watching some of Jon Gjengset’s stream but that’s about as close I got to doing anything productive.

  • Intro

    I’ve recently gone from a 5 day week to a 4 day week, so that I can make more contributions to open source software/communities. My “project day” is Wednesday. I thought it would be interesting to record what I get up to each week. At the moment I don’t have much velocity, because I’ve also got a lot of life stuff to sort out. If I don’t get bored of this, I might turn it into an actual blog. For now, it will be an append-mostly log.

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